imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: Portrait series, cont'd. Since I enjoyed yesterday's color study, I decided today to do a more serious "working"...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: I'm starting a new portrait series, and this is a (VERY) rough initial study, done in acrylic, but even so it has...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: "Psalm 95" You can see that I'm working with a nearly transparent, very fluid linear element that flows horizontally...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: I have not posted because of Easter preparations, but I had still been working in the weeks of Lent. This is one of two...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: I began this painting thinking it would be part of the Sketchbook series, but I have since realized that it is a Lenten...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: "The Sketchbook Series, #3". It would be logical and orderly to begin the series by working on #1, but art is not math...