imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: Lots of cutting today, as you can see. Though I like the idea of making a reusable stencil out of acetate, it's hard on...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: I slept badly because of a headache & stiff neck, so I went downstairs to the couch. When I woke up this morning, I was...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: Here's a simple line drawing, done full scale, of the existing male portrait, incorporating some of the abstract symbols...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: You guessed it--stick drawing again! This is the next step in the portrait series. You might remember that I had been...

imaGINAtion ART
SOLD SOLD SOLD!! This painting is on its way to its new home in Colorado!

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: I don't think this photo is good enough to let you see the subtleties of today's work, which was to add selected areas...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: A painting can fight you tooth and nail one day and then be sweet as a lamb the next. Art is strange that way. My goal...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: Now that I finished the commissioned painting, I wanted to jump back into the portrait series. And though the male...

imagination ART
DAILY PAINTING: SOLD SOLD SOLD!! Here's the final version of the painting you've been following. The client loves it, and it was...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: Lots more work done today, subtle stuff. I like the adjustments made & have to let that paint dry so that I can see...