imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: "be-YOU-t-ful" 10-26-15: I mentioned the other day that, when I was trying to be PATIENT, I realized something which I've now put on paper in this sketch, done up to scale at 16 x 20.
The key to this sketch is its distortion, which I did on purpose. That was hard, when you've been trained all your life to draw as accurately as you can. I realized the other day, during my enforced PATIENT time, that the narrow, "cookie cutter" image of beauty-- put forward by the beauty, fashion & marketing industries--is false, DISTORTED. I want my painting to show that distortion to express the impact the media can have on how we perceive ourselves & others.
The great Salvador Dali--who had a wonderful, classical training & could draw beautifully--was the first to popularize the concept of a distorted reality painted convincingly. Think of his melting clocks.
I realized something else, but we'll talk about that tomorrow.