imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: beginning Pet Portraits
11-11-15 HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY and many thanks & blessings to our veterans & all of those who have served & kept us safe!
I made a series of 9 x 12" canvas panels (see previous posts for details), and I've painted the backgrounds (as you can see). Just these 2 panels to give you an idea. I'm using acrylic & alcohol inks, which are such fun!
You can see that there are some simple shapes & images embedded into the working background, and as the paintings develop, I can choose whether or not to emphasize those elements.
I'm working with 4 backgrounds now, the 1st group in this series. Those panels are pink, orange, yellow and blue. Tomorrow I hope to begin the actual drawings, all of which are our own family pets, near & dear to our hearts!