imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: 11-19-15 How nice it is to be feeling better! And it always helps when you feel the painting is going well. Our...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: 11-18-15 Artwork takes creative energy, and I have used what little I had today. Still feeling wearing & worn from the...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: 11-17-15 I'm getting over my cold nicely and managed to do this pen drawing today of the cat my daughter rescued as a...

imaGINAtion ART
I mentioned in my last post that I was coming down with a cold--ugh! Let's hope I'll be back to the studio in the next day or so!

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: COMPLETED "Precious Pit Bull" 11-14-15 I'm really happy with this painting! I think it expresses Took's personality...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: "Precious Pit Bull" 11-13-15 I chose intense color because Took is an intensely loving & joyful creature. Adjustments...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: "Precious Pit Bull" 11-12-15 This is Took, named after the "Lord of the Rings" character by my daughter's fiance,...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: beginning Pet Portraits 11-11-15 HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY and many thanks & blessings to our veterans & all of those who have...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: COMPLETED "be-YOU-t-ful 3", 11-10-15 The whole series is finished! I'm very pleased with the results, and I appreciate...

imaGINAtion ART
DAILY PAINTING: "be-YOU-t-ful" 11-09-15 Here's the 3rd canvas in this series, well underway, with only the accent lines to go...